Venting like a steam engine!

British steam-powered car. 2009. From "Wired Magazine"

Okay, so I have a few topics I want to vent about, some laughable and some not funny in the least.

This article makes me laugh because I know more people with type O blood than any other blood group, in fact, there are more type O people in the world, not just the UK.  I like to think it balances out things in the long run, in other words, if there are more people with type O and they have a lower rate of fertility (which population statistic would say is ridiculous), then it means there is a balance because the other blood types may have a higher rate of fertility, but statistically there are less of them. There will always be the same amount of type Os in relation to the other blood types.

While I’m talking about blood, I’ll briefly mention the Japanese thought about how one’s bloodtype has a direct link to one’s personality. This idea was first proported by professor Takeji Furukawa in the 1927, who wrote a paper entitled, “The Study of Temperament Through Blood Type”. Unfortunately, early on it was used as a means of discrimination. Today, it is less about discrimination, and more along the lines of astrology. I do find it amusing that many of the anime evil characters have type AB blood. (lol). Here’s a link to where I got these reference pictures, (see beneath the link).

Next on my venting list, are people who make rude, vulgar, racist, hateful, and joking comments about war and other tragic circumstances in the comment section of news articles. I really think it is cowardly and just plain evil to make fun of such tragedies and circumstances. These folks make me want to hurt them. Don’t give me any nonsense about free speech, as this is not free speech. It is a platform for bored selfish people looking for attention in the wrong way. If they actually had something to say, it would be different, but they aren’t, they are looking to start a “flame war” in the comment section of a news briefing that is the wrong place for such blatant stupidity. I think every one has an opinion and they are free to express it in an appropriate forum, but making fun, simply hating or being racists is not an opinion that should be aired in the face of tragedy. If they want to rant about their opinion, they should start a blog. >.>

Dr. Owl is very smart

And, please, I am not naïve to the fact that many horrible things happen during war. I am not defending or validating anything that goes on in war because frankly, I am not there to witness it and can’t give a valid opinion and neither can those that make fun of it. I do know that the things people do to each other from both sides during a war is not nice. That is the nature of war. War is not a game, war is war. But, to make jokes about it and use racial slurs, hate-filled verbiage and vulgarity is not excusable. It makes me sad to think that the people, who stoop to such nasty outburst, must have lives so void of other things to do that they have nothing better to do than incite more hate and hurt. Have a real life, go help someone instead of hurting people. Be brave and do good for your neighborhood because there are people all over the world that go hungry every day, have no home, have no belongings, are abused by family and the world, and any of them would be happy to trade places with any one of those that have so much freedom and time on their hands that all they can do is make trouble in the comment sections of news article. Seriously, humanity sickens me at times.

Chat bots or AI (Artificial Intelligence), are not intelligent at all. I have “talked” to several of them, and while they are somewhat amusing, they are not intelligent, nor as their programmers claim, do they “learn and become more intelligent as you talk to them”. In fact, their programming is quite faulty. Most of the chat bots programming is based on a very old psychological platform of answering a question with a question, and repeating back what a person says. Most people are flattered when you repeat what they say and add to it. Oops, did I give away a secret. (LOL). I hope not. At any rate, I thought talking to a supposed real AI would be interesting and even enlightening. Well, it was enlightening, but not at the level I had hoped. I even told the chatbot their programming was faulty, one said, “you must be a programmer to know that”, another said, “I will pass that information on to my programmers”, and the last said, “I’m human, you’re the program”. It could almost be made into a “Three Bears” story/allusion. Just kidding, but I also asked them when they were last updated. Two of the three answered me, and one stated its program was last updated in 2001, the other said, last night. Wow. That first answer is pretty sad if true. Did their programmers really think they would learn or were they just too lazy to update the programming? I had high hopes of having a nice intellectual chat with one of these “Artificial Intelligent” bots, and hoped it would prove to be a true step in science, but I was greatly disappointed. I did read a couple of articles that theorized that Cleverbot is actually not a chat bot, but a program that randomly puts humans together or puts conversations bits up that seem to correspond to your input. At any rate, here is the link to Cleverbot, though be warned, it gets caught in a loop and gives horribly random, odd answers, (unless it’s really just a bunch of people randomly I only give the link, so that you may make your own decisions about how well AI research is coming along. For brief trivia entertainment, I have been here about three times and stumped the “game bot”. It doesn’t know all. It’s fun to see it get frustrated though when it can not answer your challenge. Yes, I know, I have odd interests, but I am a curious person that likes to learn.

Actually, they are toy robots from the Prague Museum, circa 2007.

Political phone calls! I should just stop there, as I’m sure every one understands what I am talking about. But, I will elaborate. I received a phone call at 1:30 A.M. from a local constituent about a question on the upcoming ballot. Later this morning, at a reasonable time, I received another phone call from the same constituent apologizing for the previous call, as it was due to human and computer error (human), and that he hopes it will not affect my decision about the question on the ballot. Ha. It would if I thought it would directly and personally affect him, but since it won’t, I will have to wait to see how I feel about that question when I research it later. My question is this, why do we even need all this stupid smear campaigning and unending phone calls trying to persuade at times, and demand at others, our undying allegiance to one question, one person’s political stance, etcetera? Can’t I make up my mind for myself? Do they really think that bullying me with phone calls will somehow “hypnotize” me into voting their way? Does cramming the name of one person via phone, adverts and online over and over somehow psychologically affix it to my mind so that when I’m voting I will unerringly vote for that person or stance? I think not. Maybe it will have that affect on some people, but I would like to think that most people are not political lemmings. >.> Read the questions, research the questions on the ballot, research the people and stop paying attention to the ridiculous character blotching that is going on. It is all smoke and mirrors. If they can make their opponent look like a monster and have people focused on that, then people will not see their faults shine so brightly. To me, it makes them ALL look bad!

Please, not at 1:30 A.M.!

Minor vent about this article which boldly states “700 new species found”, but this article only says “700 arthropod specimens”. In the latter, the gallery only shows four specimens and they are easily recognizable. (Lol). Not new species, new specimens. I realize some people may be new to scientific reporting, but I would think it is like all reporting, you need to use the facts and not try for a sensational sub-heading just to get reader attention. Content alone is enough to draw most scientists and those interested in the sciences. Just as sports fans don’t need any special headlines other than who is playing against whom.

From the BBC news article. An Ant.

From the BBC news article. A spider.

Yesterday, the 10-year old daughter of one of my old co-worker/friend sent me an e-mail about how bored she was and what was I up to? She has sent me a couple of other e-mails in the last month. (Small children like me for some reason. Stranger’s children follow me around shops, and toddlers reach for me from their strollers. It’s creepy, quit it!) Anyway, I thought, Hmmm, what is the best way to answer this child? So, I thought I would be nice and suggest a few things, like you can never be bored if you have pencil and paper, as you can draw pictures, write a story and illustrate it. Then I said, reread a book she knows she likes, learn words in a language she doesn’t know, or how about taking up Origami? To help her on her way, I put in a diagram of a simple Origami creature. Then so that she wouldn’t feel like I was trying to make her put in too much effort, I put in some kid’s cartoons. It’s hard to gauge what a 10-year old likes, as this particular one is already beginning the stages of being a preteen (so much so that her parents yanked her from public school and have now put her in private school. I didn’t want to tell her mum that the same kind of influences her daughter gets in public school, she will get in private school. Live and learn.) To answer her question about what I was up to, I told her I am never bored because I love to learn new things, and have been reading several science magazines and working on a cap project for myself and such. I have not heard back from her, so either she is having fun learning Origami, or she is too disgusted that she had to do work and won’t write me back. I’m okay with either.

And I’m in a very sad mood. So, every one gets to suffer with me because they came here. I’m not on some other page spreading my sadness, I’m on my own page letting it out. I’m sorry to anyone having to suffer with me. Life is pain….though I still can’t get used to it, at times. Save me from myself.

What the heart gives away is never gone … It is kept in the hearts of others.

by Robin St. John


by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Where true Love burns Desire is Love’s pure flame;
It is the reflex of our earthly frame,
That takes its meaning from the nobler part,
And but translates the language of the heart.

I will leave you with some songs and some comics so that I don’t spread my sadness any farther. I tried to credit photos in situ this time, but any that aren’t credited are usually from Google images. Barlow Girl “Never Alone” Lifehouse “You and Me” Radiohead “All I Need”

I'm the one slumped over the table by the microscope.

Polar bear candy.

Why can't I be that optimistic? Bleh.

Nerd humor. XD

I don't need a translator to tell me that's what dogs say. >.>



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